In October, I was privileged to continue my work with Denison University Swim & Dive teams. When I was with the mens’ team, the 2018 DIII National Champions, I posed the question: “Who holds this team accountable?”
One young man said, “I do.” After a pause he added: “We should all be saying that!”
That’s a championship culture! They got it. I got it. I’ve asked that question across the country and that’s the best answer I’ve ever heard.
The individual athlete always does better when they are on a team and that team lives out accountability. In a Championship Culture, each individual MODELS the culture, REINFORCES the culture, and PROTECTS the culture.
That approach will require some tough decisions along the way. Behaviors that don’t model, reinforce, or protect the culture must be ruled out of bounds, unacceptable. Coaches need to speak. up. Athletes need to speak up.
You know what your culture is by what happens when the coaches aren’t around. That’s why everyone on a championship team is accountable for the culture and corresponding behaviors.
It’s a journey to that place. And every season there are new converts to be made and long-time converts to keep connected.
Here are some ways it works in the every day:
Is what you are _______________, MODELING, REINFORCING, or PROTECTING the culture?
…SAYING – WORDS matter…
…DOING – ACTIONS matter…
Captains and other leaders might ask: “H0w is this behavior MODELING, REINFORCING, or PROTECTING our culture? Is there a different way to say it/do it that would be more helpful?”
Jeff Raker
Level Up Leadership Coaching